Desertcart Customer Support

Find here all the details for contacting Desertcart customer service by phone, email, chat, the official Desertcart website, social media accounts, etc.

About Desertcart

Desertcart is an e-commerce shopping platform based in the UAE, although it also operates in international markets. Its listings include more than 100 million products across a broad range of categories.

Part of its model within the UAE involves buying products from other sites, such as Amazon, and shipping them to the customer. Its prices for this are shown in local currencies and include shipping and handling costs.

Desertcart’s product range is extensive and covers areas including fashion, beauty, sports, home, video games, furniture, books, and more.

Select a contact method:

Desertcart Customer Service – Phone

The phone number of Desertcart customer service is: +971-4-5245555.

Desertcart contact center operating hours: 24/7.

Other phone numbers:

Merchant Central Support: +971-4-5245544 or +971-56-5452858

Desertcart Customer Support – Website

Desertcart customer support, knowledge center and self service at Click here.

Desertcart Customer Support – Email

Desertcart customer support email address: [email protected].

Desertcart Customer Support by Chat

Chat with Desertcart customer support: Click here.

Desertcart Customer Support – Whatsapp

– No whatsapp support.

Desertcart Customer Service – Facebook

Visit the official facebook page of Desertcart: Click here.

Desertcart Customer Support – Twitter

Desertcart customer support twitter link: Click here.

Desertcart Customer Service – Address

– No customer service postal address was published. provides contact details for leading companies and websites. We do not provide any customer support ourselves. All the information on this website is gathered from the companies websites, social media and customer feedback. We work constantly to ensure that the information provided on this site is up-to-date and accurate. In case we have missed anything, or if any contact detail is inaccurate, feel free to update us.

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