Hollister Customer Support

All the updated information for contacting Hollister customer support: Phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, the official website of Hollister, etc.

About Hollister

Hollister Co. is an American teen and young adult clothing brand owned by Abercrombie and Fitch. It was founded in 2000 in Ohio, USA, and takes loose inspiration from surfer fashion and culture.

During the 2000s, Hollister saw massive worldwide expansion and quickly became a global household name. It’s recognized by its bold branding and focus on beachwear and casual-inspired clothing.

In the same period, Hollister focused on specifically branded stores that often featured dark lighting and close shelving. In the 2010s, it replaced this model with a lighter and more open design that it considered to be more customer friendly.

Select a contact method:

Hollister Customer Service – Contact Center

Hollister customer service call center phone number: +1-925-359-2568.

Hollister phone service operating hours: Not published.


Other phone numbers:

In country toll free:
Austria: 0800-297506
Belgium: 0800-78303
Canada: 866-426-1285
Cyprus: 8009-7345
Czech Republic: 800-143956
Denmark: 8025-0474
Estonia: 800-0111612
Finland: 0800-9-15494
France: 0800-916568
Germany: 0800-5889660
Greece: 00800-12-9010
Hungary: 06-800-19763
Ireland: 800-760-672
Italy: 800-789-477
Japan: 0066-33-813059
Latvia: 8000-4349
Lithuania: 8800-31462
Luxembourg: 8002-6981
Netherlands: 0800-0226267
Norway: 800-17265
Other Countries: +1-925-359-2568
Poland: 0-0-800-1214574
Portugal: 8008-55653
Slovakia: 0800-002186
Slovenia: 0800-81114
Spain: 900-941459
Sweden: 020-79-2279
Switzerland: 0800-561242
United Kingdom: 0808-234-0795
United States: 866-426-1285

Global toll numbers:
Dutch: +1-925-359-2572
English: +1-925-359-2568
French: +1-925-359-2571
German: +1-925-359-2570
Italian: +1-925-359-2569
Japanese: +1-925-359-2574
Spanish: +1-925-359-2571
Spanish: +1-925-359-2573

Hollister Customer Service – Website

Hollister provides a useful knowledge center, FAQ section, self service features and more on the company’s website hollisterco.com: Visit site.

Hollister Customer Service – Email

– No customer support through email.

Hollister Customer Support – Chat

Hollister customer support chat link: Click here.

Hollister Customer Support – Whatsapp

– No whatsapp support.

Hollister Customer Service – Facebook

Hollister customer service facebook link: Click here.

Hollister Customer Support – Twitter

Hollister customer support twitter link: Click here.

Hollister Customer Service – Address

– No customer service postal address was published.

Customer-service.xyz provides contact details for leading companies and websites. We do not provide any customer support ourselves. All the information on this website is gathered from the companies websites, social media and customer feedback. We work constantly to ensure that the information provided on this site is up-to-date and accurate. In case we have missed anything, or if any contact detail is inaccurate, feel free to update us.

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