Magzter Customer Support

All the updated information for contacting Magzter customer support: Phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, the official website of Magzter, etc.

About Magzter

Magzter is a self-service digital newsstand that offers more than 8000 different magazines. Users download the app in which they can purchase and view digital editions of magazines.

The company uses a revenue share model with publishers, where the company receives a percentage share of all sales revenue. However, publishers keep all ad revenue generated by their digital magazines.

Magzter also offers a subscription-based model for readers. It provides unlimited access to 5000 of the platform’s magazines, which are regionally based. The most popular genres include news, entertainment, lifestyle, and business.

Customer Service Channels:

Magzter Customer Service – Phone

– No customer support by phone.

Magzter Customer Support – Website

Magzter customer support, knowledge center and self service at Click here.

Magzter Customer Service – Email

Magzter provides customer service by email, on the address: [email protected].

Magzter Customer Service – Chat

– The company does not provide customer service by chat.

Magzter Customer Support – Whatsapp

– No whatsapp support.

Magzter Customer Service – Facebook

Magzter customer service facebook link: Click here.

Magzter Customer Service – Twitter

The official twitter account of Magzter: Visit.

Magzter Customer Service – Address

– No customer care postal address was published. provides contact details for leading companies and websites. We do not provide any customer support ourselves. All the information on this website is gathered from the companies websites, social media and customer feedback. We work constantly to ensure that the information provided on this site is up-to-date and accurate. In case we have missed anything, or if any contact detail is inaccurate, feel free to update us.

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