Swarovski Customer Support

All the updated information for contacting Swarovski customer support: Phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, the official website of Swarovski, etc.

Customer Support Channels:

Swarovski Customer Service – Phone

Contact Swarovski customer service by phone: +423-399-50-69.

Swarovski phone support operating hours: Not published.

Other phone numbers:

USA: +1-800-426-3088
Canada: +1-833-530-2682
Australia: +61-1800-795-299
New Zealand: +64-952-21-519
Belgium: +32-24633048
Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania & Hungary: +423-399-5069
Denmark & Finland: +46-85-051-2646
France: +33-0-1-44-76-15-35
Germany: +49(0)8341-9701705
Greece: +30-212-1057288
Ireland: +44(0)2036408400
Italy: +39-02-722-603-00
Luxembourg: +32-24633048
Netherlands: +31-20-26-26-410
Poland: +485-877-52850
Portugal: 800-918-668
Russia: +7-495-789-6844
Spain: 900-84-85-85
Sweden: +46-85-051-2646
Switzerland: +41-44-921-4040
UK: +44(0)2036408400

Swarovski Customer Service – Website

Swarovski provides a useful knowledge center, FAQ section, self service features and more on the company’s website swarovski.com: Visit site.

Swarovski Customer Service – Email

Swarovski provides customer service by email, on the address: [email protected].


Swarovski Customer Service – Chat

– No customer support through chat.

Swarovski Customer Support – Whatsapp

– No whatsapp support.

Swarovski Customer Service – Facebook

Swarovski customer service facebook link: Click here.

Swarovski Customer Service – Twitter

Visit the official twitter account of Swarovski: Click here.

Swarovski Customer Service – Address

The postal address of Swarovski customer service (or headquarters): Swarovski International
Distribution AG
Dröschistrasse 15
9495 Triesen
Principality of Liechtenstein.

Customer-service.xyz provides contact details for leading companies and websites. We do not provide any customer support ourselves. All the information on this website is gathered from the companies websites, social media and customer feedback. We work constantly to ensure that the information provided on this site is up-to-date and accurate. In case we have missed anything, or if any contact detail is inaccurate, feel free to update us.

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