Webroot Customer Support

Customer Support details for Webroot. All the updated details and channels for contacting Webroot.

About Webroot

Webroot Inc. is an American based cybersecurity software company. Webroot provides online security solutions for both consumers and businesses. Apart from the US, Webroot also operates in Australia, Austria, Ireland, Japan and the United Kingdom. Webroot was founded in 1997 and through various acquisitions, is now part of OpenText.

Select a contact method:

Webroot Customer Service – Phone

The phone number of Webroot customer service is: 1-800-772-9383.

Webroot contact center operating hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm MST.

Webroot Customer Support – Website

Webroot customer support, knowledge center and self service at webroot.com: Click here.

Webroot Customer Service – Email

– No customer service email address was published.


Webroot Customer Service – Chat

– The company does not provide customer service by chat.

Webroot Customer Support – Whatsapp

– No whatsapp support.

Webroot Customer Support – Facebook

Webroot customer support facebook link: Click here.

Webroot Customer Support – Twitter

Webroot customer support twitter link: Click here.

Webroot Customer Support – Postal Address

Webroot customer support address (or headquarters address): 385 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 800, Broomfield, CO 80021, USA.

Customer-service.xyz provides contact details for leading companies and websites. We do not provide any customer support ourselves. All the information on this website is gathered from the companies websites, social media and customer feedback. We work constantly to ensure that the information provided on this site is up-to-date and accurate. In case we have missed anything, or if any contact detail is inaccurate, feel free to update us.

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